


Earn up to 60% Cashback with Fish Buffet!

  • Play any Poker or Casino games to collect Fish Buffet Points (FP)
  • Climb up the ranks to unlock bigger fish rewards (More Cashback)
  • Prefer a weekly fixed amount? Switch to Platinum Rank

Fish Buffet Ranks

LevelRankFPs to EarnTime LimitPrize RangeAvg Cashback
GGPlatinum GGPlatinum GGPlatinum GGPlatinum 5,000,000 to maintain365 daysFlat Cashback
Weekly Payout
Shark Shark Shark Platinum Shark 5,000,000 to climb
3,000,000 to maintain
365 daysFlat Cashback
Weekly Payout
Whale Whale Platinum Whale Platinum Whale 3,000,000 to climb
1,500,000 to maintain
365 daysFlat Cashback
Weekly Payout
Gold 1 Gold 1 120,00030 daysSpin $120 - $1,20049%
Gold 2 Gold 2 48%
Gold 3 Gold 3 47%
Silver 1 Silver 1 46%
Silver 2 Silver 2 45%
Silver 3 Silver 3 44%
Bronze 1 Bronze 1 43%
Bronze 2 Bronze 2 42%
Bronze 3 Bronze 3 41%
Octopus Octopus Platinum Octopus Platinum Octopus 750,000 to maintain365 daysFlat Cashback
Weekly Payout
Gold Gold 60,00030 daysSpin $60 - $36034%
Silver Silver 32%
Bronze Bronze 30%
Crab Crab Gold Gold 12,00015 daysSpin $12 - $6028%
Silver Silver 27%
Bronze Bronze 26%
Shrimp Shrimp Gold Gold 6,00015 daysSpin $6 - $3024%
Silver Silver 23%
Bronze Bronze 22%
Fish Fish Platinum Fish Platinum Fish --Flat Cashback
Weekly Payout
Gold Fish Gold Fish 1,5007 daysSpin $1.50 - $517%
Plankton Plankton Starting Level Starting Level 7507 daysSpin $0.75 - $215%

Rank Information

  • Collect the required points within the time limit to rank up
  • When the required points are accumulated, you can spin the wheel and collect your reward at "My Fish Buffet"
  • Unopened spins will automatically be opened after 30 days and credited to your account
  • If you fail to collect the required points within the time limit, you will receive a reward equivalent to 10% of the points you have collected.
    Your rank will be demoted to the previous rank
  • You can always switch to a lower Platinum Rank to receive a weekly cashback reward - click here for more information

Collecting Fish Buffet Points (FP)

On average, players are rewarded 100 FP for every $1 paid in rake and fees. This value may vary based on several factors, such as but not limited to, game type or tournament played, player behavior at tables and deposit history
Fish Buffet points are collected at the point of wagering. For more information on earn rates per game type, Click here

Platinum Ranks

Basic Information

  • Receive weekly fixed reward - No more spins or time limits
  • Move back and forth between Fish ranks and Platinum ranks
  • Platinum ranks are maintained for a year and require certain number of points for renewal

Weekly Fixed Reward

  • Every Monday, you receive a reward for the FPs you have collected as a Platinum Rank for the previous week
  • You have to press ‘Collect’ button within the Platinum tab for your rewards to be credited to your wallet
  • Uncollected rewards continue to accumulate each week
RankRewardsAverage Cashback %
GGPlatinum$1 per 167 FP60%
Platinum Shark$1 per 182 FP55%
Platinum Whale$1 per 200 FP50%
Platinum Octopus$1 per 285 FP35%
Platinum Fish$1 per 500 FP20%

Promoting and Maintaining your Platinum Rank

  • If you fail to collect the required points in one year, your rank will drop down to a lower Platinum Rank. (e.g. Platinum Whale will drop down to Platinum Octopus)
Platinum RankDurationReq. FPs to RenewReq. FPs for Promotion
GGPlatinum1 Year5,000,000 FP-
Platinum Shark1 Year3,000,000 FP5,000,000 FP
Platinum Whale1 Year1,500,000 FP3,000,000 FP
Platinum Octopus1 Year750,000 FP-
Platinum FishForeverNo requirement-

Switch to Platinum Rank Anytime

  • You can switch to a Platinum Rank of a lower level/rank
    • All Octopus, Crab, Shrimps can switch to Platinum Fish
    • All Whales can switch to Platinum Octopus
  • You need to clear Platinum Whale to become Platinum Shark, and clear Platinum Shark to become GGPlatinum
  • Your one-year Platinum status starts the moment you switch to a Platinum Rank
  • Points you currently possess are carried over to your Platinum Rank
  • You immediately receive the rewards for any wheels you have yet to spin

Switching back to Fish Buffet after Becoming a Platinum Rank

  • You can always switch back to the regular Fish Buffet and try for a higher level
    • A Platinum Fish starts at Bronze Shrimp
    • A Platinum Octopus starts at Bronze Whale
  • You receive Platinum rewards for the points you have collected up to the moment you switch from Platinum
    • Any uncollected rewards will to be credited to your wallet
  • Your new rank will start with 0 FP
  • You CANNOT switch back to Platinum Rank for a period of time equivalent to the time limit of the new Bronze rank.
    • (e.g. If you switch from Platinum Fish to Bronze Shrimp, you cannot return to Platinum Fish for 15 days.)

Reward Wheel Probabilities


FB Return %10%20%30%45%63%100%
rank.gold1Gold 11,000 in 10,0001,700 in 10,0001,700 in 10,0001,800 in 10,0001,800 in 10,0002,000 in 10,000
rank.gold2Gold 21,070 in 10,0001,765 in 10,0001,710 in 10,0001,770 in 10,0001,785 in 10,0001,900 in 10,000
rank.gold3Gold 31,130 in 10,0001,810 in 10,0001,751 in 10,0001,760 in 10,0001,749 in 10,0001,800 in 10,000
rank.silver1Silver 11,200 in 10,0001,840 in 10,0001,801 in 10,0001,740 in 10,0001,719 in 10,0001,700 in 10,000
rank.silver2Silver 21,260 in 10,0001,900 in 10,0001,839 in 10,0001,700 in 10,0001,701 in 10,0001,600 in 10,000
rank.silver3Silver 31,350 in 10,0001,920 in 10,0001,859 in 10,0001,700 in 10,0001,671 in 10,0001,500 in 10,000
rank.bronze1Bronze 11,440 in 10,0001,940 in 10,0001,879 in 10,0001,700 in 10,0001,641 in 10,0001,400 in 10,000
rank.bronze2Bronze 21,450 in 10,0001,990 in 10,0001,999 in 10,0001,680 in 10,0001,581 in 10,0001,300 in 10,000
rank.bronze3Bronze 31,495 in 10,0002,050 in 10,0002,050 in 10,0001,660 in 10,0001,545 in 10,0001,200 in 10,000


FB Return %10%13%20%30%40%60%
rank.goldGold1,000 in 10,0001,000 in 10,0001,000 in 10,0002,400 in 10,0002,800 in 10,0001,800 in 10,000
rank.silverSilver1,000 in 10,0001,025 in 10,0001,225 in 10,0002,850 in 10,0002,600 in 10,0001,300 in 10,000
rank.bronzeBronze1,000 in 10,0001,125 in 10,0001,325 in 10,0003,350 in 10,0002,400 in 10,000800 in 10,000


FB Return %10%15%20%25%33%50%
rank.goldGold1,000 in 10,0001,050 in 10,0001,100 in 10,0002,030 in 10,0003,570 in 10,0001,250 in 10,000
rank.silverSilver1,050 in 10,0001,100 in 10,0001,150 in 10,0002,400 in 10,0003,300 in 10,0001,000 in 10,000
rank.bronzeBronze1,200 in 10,0001,250 in 10,0001,300 in 10,0002,510 in 10,0002,790 in 10,000950 in 10,000


FB Return %10%15%20%25%33%50%
rank.goldGold1,500 in 10,0001,600 in 10,0001,800 in 10,0002,200 in 10,0002,100 in 10,000800 in 10,000
rank.silverSilver1,500 in 10,0002,000 in 10,0002,000 in 10,0002,000 in 10,0001,800 in 10,000700 in 10,000
rank.bronzeBronze1,500 in 10,0002,400 in 10,0002,200 in 10,0001,800 in 10,0001,500 in 10,000600 in 10,000


FB Return %10%12%14%17%23%33%
rank.goldGold1,500 in 10,0001,720 in 10,0001,990 in 10,0002,290 in 10,0001,500 in 10,0001,000 in 10,000


FB Return %10%11%13%16%20%27%
1,500 in 10,0002,000 in 10,0002,250 in 10,0002,000 in 10,0001,250 in 10,0001,000 in 10,000
Promotion Details and Limitations
  • Fish Buffet is a permanent promotion.
  • Players must earn the required level of Fish Points within a given time limit to unlock that level.
  • Upon unlocking a level, players can spin a wheel to win various cash rewards. Cash rewards are awarded immediately after the spin lands on a cash prize.
  • Any remaining Fish Points after unlocking a level will be credited towards the next level.
  • The default starting level is Plankton, with six higher statuses to achieve: Shrimp, Goldfish, Crab, Octopus, Whale and Shark.
  • If a player does not meet the Fish Points requirement within the time limit, they will be demoted to the previous level.
  • Should a player earn Fish Buffet points but fail to accumulate the points required to unlock or maintain a level by the end of any given qualification period, that player will receive 10% of the cash value of the points accumulated towards the level at that time. Any points earned during an unsuccessful qualification period are disregarded for the purposes of calculating any subsequent level changes.
  • If a player participates in a guaranteed prize pool tournament that does not cover the guarantee via buy-ins and thus features an overlay, the Fish Buffet Points generated for that player will be less than otherwise and reduced in correlation to the overlay amount.
Terms & Conditions
  • Players must be 18 years or older to participate.
  • Promotion terms are subject to the site's terms and conditions, which can be found here.
  • Please note that prize pools and guarantees may change, and some amounts shown on this site may not be accurate. Please check the guaranteed amounts displayed in the ПокерОК game client for the most accurate information.
  • ПокерОК reserves the right to change or suspend any promotion, tournament, or game feature at any time.
  • We reserve the right to suspend, close, or take any actions in accordance with our Terms and Conditions as well as the Security and Ecology Policy in case of fraudulent activity or any other actions violating the Terms and Conditions and Security and Ecology Policy.

Standard ПокерОК rules apply.

Play responsibly.